Local authorities across England are to receive £88m to help roll out the Green Deal on a street by street basis.
A total of 24 local authorities will share the Government funding which aims to help around 32,000 households install energy efficiency improvements.
John Alker, Director of Policy and Communications at UK-GBC, said:
"This new support for the Green Deal couldn't come at a more critical time, following last month's disappointing statistics on uptake, and will undoubtedly help area based delivery of the scheme. Local authorities are a trusted voice and crucial to getting the message out about energy efficiency.
"However, Government could go further by stepping in to lower interest rates - helping local authorities to make the Green Deal a more attractive proposition for the consumer - or by introducing long-term structural incentives, such as variable rates of Stamp Duty."
To read more about Green Deal Communities click here|.
For more information, please contact:
James Kershaw
T: 020 7291 9948
M: 07815 611427
E: james.kershaw@ukgbc.org
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