Neoposts white paper explains how businesses of all sizes can save money on postage and eliminate waste from mail processes
Despite its importance to business, mail remains an under-managed activity. At a time of major structural change in the industry and more options to automate the mailroom, too many businesses are failing to make the most of opportunities to cut postage costs, improve productivity and manage the mail process.
April's stamp price hike raised concerns about the cost of postal communications, but just as significant are the huge discounts of almost 50% now available to businesses customers. What's more, these just cover one aspect of the mailing process. Businesses can make additional cost and efficiency savings by using mailing equipment and software solutions to eliminate waste and unnecessary expense at every stage, from the opening and distribution of incoming post to the production, postage and delivery of outgoing mail.
In an age of smartphones and social networks, the post remains an important channel that can help build relationships and generate business, says Andy MacKenzie, Marketing Director, Neopost. Each day, Royal Mail delivers 59 million letters, packets and parcels to 29 million UK addresses, almost 9 out of 10 of which are sent by businesses and the public sector. We have produced this new postage rates white paper to help organisations of all sizes think more strategically about their postal communications. Whether you send 5 letters a day or 5,000, there are big savings to be made.
Neoposts cost cutting white paper covers the following:
A changing postal market - what it means for business.
Alternative postal providers - how to make the most of new opportunities to cut costs.
Saving money with Royal Mail - why franking is better value.
Mail preparation - how to prepare mail to maximise savings and eliminate waste.
Outgoing mail - cost effective alternatives to the first class stamp.
Incoming mail - the impact of mail processing on labour costs.
How Neopost can help businesses save money and improve efficiency.
Download Neoposts How to cut the cost of postal communications white paper:
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