
Fortitude Plethora: 14% of Companies Radically Innovating Through Outsourcing

Tuesday 17 March, 2015

With more and more businesses looking to outsource, Fortitude Plethora review the benefits of outsourcing and how it can impact innovation as well as improve processes.

As a leading outsourced sales and marketing company, Fortitude Plethora realise the benefits outsourcing brings and with the recent survey showing 14% of companies radically innovating through outsourcing, it's exciting news for the direct marketing specialists.

About Fortitude Plethora:

Outsourcing is defined as a practice used by different companies to reduce costs by transferring portions of work to outside suppliers rather than completing it internally By outsourcing to companies that specialise in the specific area, it means companies will have more time to focus on other issues and can be assured they are getting the best service possible.

The Innovation Reality report, from sourcing advisor Aecus, found that companies are increasingly using outsourcing an an avenue for innovation rather than just to improve processes.14 % of business leaders surveyed stated that they were prioritising 'radical innovation' with their outsourcing partners.Nearly a third of leaders said they were hoping their outsourcing partners could provide benefits to the business on a wider scale, including increasing revenues and improving products and services.

The study also revealed that 90 % of buyers believe their outsourcing agreements can help them improve products and services and 86 % believe they will help with customer retention.85% are hoping to achieve top line revenue growth as a direct result of relationships with their outsourcing partners.Over half of businesses surveyed said they were already experiencing improved customer satisfaction, while 45% believe innovation has impacted their revenue growth.

Fortitude Plethora, an outsourced sales and marketing company, offer their clients cost-effective, measurable and tailor-made marketing solutions with the personal touch.The offer outsourcing solutions for companies looking to diversify and improve their marketing strategies to increase their market share and brand awareness.

Fortitude Plethora work on a performance related basis, therefore companies only pay based on results, there is no financial risk. Hiring Fortitude Plethora gives companies access to their resources, a group of highly skilled and experienced business professionals, a vastly experienced team with industry knowledge which allows them to develop and implement the most effective marketing strategy.Crucially all campaigns are Measurable: with companies very conscious of their budgets, Fortitude Plethora offer services that provide instant feedback and results.

Fortitude Plethora Ltd is committed to raising brand awareness of our clients' products through energetic event promotions. We generate exceptional results compared to conventional advertising methods and create a lasting impression with consumers. Get in touch to find out how we can increase your sales through event marketing.

Distributed by Pressat