After gaining a reputation for helping young professionals progress from entry level to leadership at an impressive rate, sales and marketing firm Forrest Bell has decided to share their secrets to fast track professional development.
About Forrest Bell:
Forrest Bell is an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Liverpool. The firm works closely with their clients to develop highly personalised campaigns which are then taken directly to consumers via face-to-face marketing methods. Forrest Bell states how this allows them to encourage long-lasting and personal business relationships between brand and consumer as well as generate increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty for their clients.
Forrest Bell pride themselves on their strong company culture and their unique business development opportunity which helps to support young people in building a brighter professional future. The firm’s business development opportunity allows aspiring business professionals to experience a number of business roles ranging from sales contractor to management whilst learning several new skills via hands-on workshops and real life experiences.
With the firm offering regular travel opportunities to their contractors, Forrest Bell have revealed that they believe regular travel to be an integral part in fast track development. “The key is being able to get outside of an office environment, meeting new people and encouraging a more proactive outlook,” revealed a spokesperson for Forrest Bell.
Here, Forrest Bell have revealed their top three reasons as to why travel benefits an individual, in terms of career progression:
Learn new things
Travelling allows aspiring entrepreneurs to meet new people and learn new things. Forrest Bell highlights that especially in a young person’s mind there are a lot of possibilities and opportunities and travel can help unlock these possibilities and new ideas.
Create business value
Travelling is exciting and as an entrepreneur, this excitement has a unique dimension – seeing the world through a different lens. Forrest Bell highlight how this can mean having a better perspective when handling business, its processes and its selling points.
Re-evaluation of business practices
Forrest Bell highlight how young leaders tend to have set ways of managing their teams or their businesses. However, by travelling the world this allows them to reassess these practices objectively, benefitting the business and its development.
Forrest Bell have recently been travelling to a number of different events including a regional conference in Manchester. These travel opportunities across the UK have inspired the firm who have recently been discussing the potential for international travel. The firm plan to host a competition where the winner will have the opportunity to travel internationally. Forrest Bell have also revealed that they are set to embark on a series of road trips across the UK to help their contractors expand their professional network.
For more information follow @ForrestBellLTD on Twitter and 'like' them on Facebook.
Distributed by Pressat