
Dead women walking - survivors march to remember Women killed by known men

Tuesday 21 November, 2017

Survivors of domestic abuse and campaigners from across the UK are marching through Manchester City Centre this November to highlight domestic violence in a visual remembrance march for the W omen killed in the UK

'The number of women murdered by their partners and ex-partners in the UK is an indictment of civilised society,' says Claire, 'Domestic violence accounts for almost a quarter of all violent crime in the UK with approximately two women a week being murdered and yet our specialist women's services are at risk – this means women’s lives are at risk'

'The walk will be a visual and respectful march of women wearing red ponchos and handing out information leaflets to passers by - these have kindly been provided by Manchester’s Feminist Network. During the walk the names of all the women killed by known men in the last 12 months will be read out.'

This #DeadWomenWalking walk is a remembrance walk to raise awareness of the women behind the statistics of domestic violence murders, will take place on Sunday 26th November 2017. It is part of the 16days of action from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) through 10 December, Human Rights Day. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence aim to raise public awareness and mobilise people everywhere to bring about change.

‘Domestic violence murders are preventable and the women on this list should be walking with us today - I am passionate about engaging the community in these issues so that everyone can make a difference for all women in the future.’ adds Claire ‘This year we will finish with a vigil led by the anchester Feminist Network to remember all women killed through male violence.’



Distributed by Pressat