
CMB Empire Consider Lessons from the World's Most Beloved Brands

Thursday 19 June, 2014

Sheffield-based firm, CMB Empire review the lessons highlighted in a recent Entrepreneur article of the Worlds most beloved companies and just what makes them so special.

The key to a brands success is all dependants on the level of trust that the consumer has in that brand. A recent study has shown that the brands consumers have the most trust in are the ones that, despite offering a very similar product to their competitors, provide an impeccable level of customer service. At the end of the day, no matter how good a business’ USP is, if that brand is not customer focused and provides terrible customer service then as a brand that business is going to fail, and without a strong customer base a business will simply not make a profit. Sheffield based marketing firm CMB Empire have highlighted some techniques some of the world’s leading brands use and suggests why they are so successful.

One technique implemented by online giant Amazon is to give employees at all levels the opportunity to work with customers at least once annually. By working on the customer frontline, even managers can develop a level of empathy with the customer and engage in a deeper understanding of what the customer wants from the company, as well as develop a new appreciation of what others do for the company.

Another lesson businesses should observe is the idea of resetting a customer’s internal clock if and when mistakes arise. By offering a customer who is unhappy with a service or product something in compensation, this resets the clock for the customer, leaving their last interaction with the company as a pleasant one. Although in business it’s not always easy to accept that mistakes may happen, however by having a structure similar to this in place, brands can ensure good customer relationships are maintained even if something does go wrong.

Creating a personalised service is also something many successful brands rely heavily on. Ensuring ‘one on one’ time is dedicated to each consumer means that employees can provide people with all the help they require without feeling pressured by time restraints. Some call centre based companies even keep records of the length of time employees spend on the phones, to guarantee they are making an emotional connection to the customer and their issue.

The underlying factor in these approaches is making sure that the customers ‘unstated needs’ are met. Building a great brand is all about offering a service that constantly surprises by always providing. By continuously adapting and improving their working practices brands will not only increase their customer base, but also create a thriving environment for their employees and associates to grow.

CMB Empire already have a very unique ‘culture of enterprise’ that they invest much of their resources into to ensure their suppliers and contractors have the opportunity to innovate new ways of doing things. They also recognise the importance of helping young business owners to develop their knowledge by running free business development workshops every morning, covering a range of topics such as Leadership, people management and improving productivity. This culture of enterprise has led to the company being a hotspot for ambitious and driven budding entrepreneurs. By recognising what makes other brands so successful, and sharing their business knowledge with others CMB Empire are spreading the word on the importance of a tailor made, personalised approach to business.  

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