
Clean for The Queen for Her Majesty's 90th birthday

Wednesday 9 September, 2015

How much is it costing?

• It costs taxpayers almost £1 billion every year to clean up litter from our streets

• The cost of cleaning up chewing gum from a town centre is up to £60,000

• Fly-tipping costs Network Rail more than £2.3 million each year

• Clearing litter costs Dartmoor National Park £20,000 a year

• According to a 2014 Keep Britain Tidy report, if we recycled 50% of items littered in England, it would have an economic value of at least £14.8 million

To take part in Clean for The Queen, please register here, where you'll find advice and tips about how to join a group or to simply do your bit.

If every adult picked up just one piece of litter and put it in a bin, that would be more than 50 million pieces of rubbish disposed of. Imagine if everyone picked up at least one piece of litter every day for the next nine months. We can do it. We can all Clean for The Queen.

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