Despite many larger businesses facing store closures and job cuts, sales and marketing firm Avant Garde Ideals are continuing to thrive and grow, and have revealed some exciting plans for the future.
About Avant Garde Ideals:
For Avant Garde Ideals, and many other small businesses, the economy has been looking far brighter than it has for a number of years; however, despite this a number of larger retailers and chain stores are struggling in today's economic climate. One retailer hit the hardest has been supermarket giants Tesco, who have been the subject of numerous damning media reports recently. It's been revealed that Tesco is now being forced to cut 10,000 jobs across the UK 4,000 from their headquarters, and a further 6,000 from the 43 stores they are reported to be closing. As well as closing existing stores, the chain has also been forced to abandon plans to open a further 49 stores nationwide in an attempt to cut costs and stem the flow of losses they are currently experiencing.
There are many reasons as to why larger retailers may be struggling despite the economy's slow and steady rise and consumer spending currently experiencing a boost. The rise of online retailers and discount stores has made it difficult for larger chains to keep their prices competitive. A recent string of bad press attention, especially for the likes of Tesco has also damaged consumer relationships and has caused many to lose trust in larger chain stores. Lastly, the rise in popularity of events such as small businesses Saturday has opened many consumers' eyes to the benefits of shopping local and supporting smaller independent businesses that can offer a more personal service and a higher quality of service.
Whist the odds are stacking against larger, more established businesses, Avant Garde Ideals a Manchester based sales and event marketing firm have experienced a stark rise in demand for their services, and are currently thriving in today's economic climate. The firms' services have allowed a great deal of businesses to reconnect with their consumers and generate a higher rate of quality sales. Avant Garde Ideals also operate on a 'pay on results' policy, meaning that even in tougher economic times, their clients don't lose out on vital revenue, and can still benefit from the highly competitive marketing expertise and effective, results driven strategies. The firm has seen such great success over the last 12 months that they have recently opened a further 2 offices, allowing them to open up a wealth of new and exciting markets to their clients. The firm have also recently revealed plans to open a 7th office later this month.
Based in Manchester city centre, Avant Garde Ideals is an event marketing firm that truly breaks the mold when it comes to innovative marketing solutions. The firm challenge the norm and work closely with each of their clients to create and implement marketing strategies that fully capture the attention of their target audience. Through face to face interactions the firm are able to bridge the gap between brand and consumer, forge more positive customer relationships and drive sales so that their clients have the means to grow and achieve longevity in the marketplace.
Distributed by Pressat