
Articles of Incorporation for Buttato Corporation

Sunday 10 April, 2022

Archive No.: BUTTATO-CORP-0001

Date: February 14th 2022

Inception of Buttato Corporation as an Ethereum Based Commercial Entity

From: B. Sabbatini, Garuda Li Peng, B. Akasuki

Shareholders of Buttato Corporation,

The Buttato Smart Contract (BSC), from here-on referenced as the blockchain based shareholder equity management system Buttato Corporation, will mint 10,000 non-fungible tokens of equity (NFTs) and distribute it amongst genesis investors on the company web3 portal at a date declared soon.

The term Buttato Corporation is hereby given to the entity operating on Buttato Smart Contract as a blockchain corporation. Shareholders and Management may refer to February 14th 2022 as the date of official inception of the corporation. The corporation's principle place of conducting business and distributing dividends shall be on the Ethereum blockchain. The corporation's scope of activities and tax status are established under Ethereum blockchain, as of now not pegged to any individual country or region. Management of the corporation is comprised of its 3 founders which shall hold the position of Chief Technology Officer, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Marketing Officer for a period of 36 months (3years) from date of inception. Management has at the time of inception a 3 year general mandate for expansion of on-chain experimental and commercial activities.

Management is required to obtain a shareholder consensus on major decisions regarding commercial activities and development of new products. The corporation's vault is based on Gnosis Safe. Buttato Corporation Vault requires 2 out of 3 wallet signatures of Management to operate. In the event of death or illness, 2 remaining founders shall undertake to name a successor to the replaced management position within a period of 3 weeks. The corporation shall act to issue relevant dividends based on a quarterly basis.

You may reach the founders at:

CEO: @GButtato,

CMO: @Btato_Sabbatini,

CTO: @Akasuki_Buttato

BUTTATO Corporation

An Ethereum Corporation

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