Money is easy to spend. And in the course of time there have been many ways to spend your money. In the digital world frts credit cards were introduced to ease the way people spend their money. Now there are a huge number of spending alternatives for a person to execute a payment.
ANIL UZUN says, "Right now almost all of the payment methods are convenient for a customer to use. It is extremely easy to send money to a different place in the world. Many payment solutions act as a bank so many users switch to e-wallets or banking solutions and mobile payments. Unlike banks, the new generation payment methods have the speed and functionality people need.”
“What is ahead? What will the Future of Payments be?” ANIL UZUN continues.
“The contribution of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the payment systems will open a new horizon to the people. With the Introduction of AI to payments, which has already been used for fraud detection, the payments providers will be able to evaluate the customers’ spending habits and offer them customized payment solutions. This will elevate the user experience, and enable the payment companies to get more customers, and raise their revenue. AI will also be a great help in banking services. Many payment solutions can
make payments, pay bills and even help the customers save money with tips.” says ANIL UZUN.
ANIL UZUN is a visionary entrepreneur and investor based in London. He has an evangelical enthusiasm to support ventures and his companies invest in emerging technologies in trading, payments, and many other internet-based services. His door is always open to people who have integrity, openness, and a collaborative mindset.
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