

Thursday 24 September, 2020

Airlite remains at the forefront in the sanitisation of architectural surfaces and air purification. Independent tests conducted in China, Italy and the United Kingdom (among the countries most affected by Coronavirus), show the extraordinary ability to eliminate viruses and bacteria from every surface on which Airlite is applied. The results indicate that surfaces painted with Airlite render the Human Coronavirus virus strain inactive with a yield of more than 99%, and this after just 15 minutes.

"Airlite is a patented technology in over 50 countries" - says Antonio Cianci, CEO of the company - "incorporated into a natural mineral paint that without the use of chemicals or biocides, and thanks to the energy of light and the presence of moisture in the air, creates an oxidant barrier that converts harmful organic substances into harmless substances".

In addition to deactivation of viruses (including, in addition to Human Coronavirus, viruses of the H1N1 family and those of the Enterovirus EN71 family) and bacteria, it also reduces toxic pollutants in the air such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like Formaldehyde.

"In response to the health crisis caused by Covid-19" - continues Massimo Bernardoni, Research and Development Director of the company - "Airlite has deepened its research on its effectiveness in eliminating viruses".

The results obtained according to the ISO 21702 standard by the laboratories of the Virology Research Services of the University College of London, show a truly remarkable virucidal activity of Airlite against the human coronavirus, deactivating over 99% of the virus after just 15 minutes. These results confirm the values obtained independently by the La Sapienza University of Rome and the Guangdong Detection Centre of Microbiology in Guangzhou, China, which investigated the antiviral qualities of Airlite on two other viral strains: the H1N1 subtype of the influenza A virus and the Enterovirus71 (EN71).

"The important element is that the way Airlite acts against viruses is invariant to the type of virus" concludes Bernardoni "so this indicates that painting is likely to have a strong antiviral capacity against all virus strains".

In particular, research carried out at La Sapienza University in Rome, shows how Airlite knocks down viruses in the same way that soap makes viruses inactive. In fact, a virus is a self-assembled particle in which the weakest part is the double lipidic (fat) layer. Airlite, like soap, dissolves the fat membrane causing the virus to break down.

Distributed by Pressat